
2007-12-01 8:31 am
請大家幫忙, 想寫一封英文e-mail給一間馬來西亞公司訂購一批藥物,code No:****;數量:****盒;希望對方給予優惠折扣以建立長久合作的關係;查詢可否郵寄香港

回答 (3)

2007-12-01 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. X,

Thank you so much for sending us your catalogue. We are very interested in your products and would like to place our first order with you. This order includes [這裡寫你要的數量] boxes of [這裡寫藥物名字] (product code: 1234567).

Through our past experience with various pharmaceutical companies, we are awared that not all pharmaceutical products can be legally distributed to Hong Kong. To save time and customs hassle, please verify the compatibility between Hong Kong customs regulations and [這裡寫藥物名字] prior to shipment. We greatly appreciate your courteous service to us.

Additionally, for the diversity of products you offer, we are very interested in developing a long-term relationship with [這裡寫對方公司全名]. As such, we would greatly appreciate your most competitive offer of [這裡寫藥物名字] to us.

Thank you for taking the time to process our order. We look forward to further trading opportunities with [這裡寫對方公司全名].



(第一句的意思是﹐ "謝謝你發給我們的catalogue"。 如果他們沒有發的話﹐ 可以刪走。)
參考: eva
2007-12-01 10:49 am
Our company is specialized in the business of medical products in Hong Kong.
We are interested in one of your products, namely code No.........and like to
place an order of.............boxes. Please check if the product can be delivered/mailed
to Hong Kong. We sincerely hope to build up a strong and future relation-ship with
your company and would ask if you can give us your best offer with a special discount.

Thank you for your co-operation and prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,
2007-12-01 10:02 am
To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Amy Chan. I am the CEO of ABC company. We would like to order some medicines from your company. The code of the product is ***** with *****boxes. Please let me know if you can give us a discount so that we can do business together. Also, please find out if the products can ship to Hong Kong . Thank you very much for your time.


Amy Chan
參考: me

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