help me please?

2007-12-01 2:16 am
i have been friends with my best friend since 5th grade and now that we are in high school she's starting to act closer to me. My other friends thinks she's gay because she's always all over me and she is constantly with me everywhere. She also texts me and calls me canstantly and if i don't answer right away she gets upset and thinks im mad at her.she stares at me constantly in my class and she sometimes says how cute i am. i just don't know if she likes me or just wants to be really close to me in friendship. please help!

回答 (24)

2007-12-01 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Talk to her. Part of being best friends is not being afraid to be honest with each other. It is better to know for sure than to wonder all sorts of things.
2007-12-01 2:23 am
Sweetey --- she's just probably afraid of losing her best friend. You said she was your best friend. I am 49 years young --- and I have no problem hugging or kissing on the cheek my best girlfriends -- it's truly all about love - and I'm NOT GAY. And to be honest, if she is gay --- so what??? Just tell her you're not but don't ever turn your back on a GOOD friend....EVER. It's not worth it. Gay ISN'T the issue at all. This is truly about friendship. If you are acting stand-offish, coule be a reason she's staring at you.....TALK AND COMMUNICATE. Just ask her and tel her how YOU feel. HONEST IS ALWAYS THE BEST POLICY....
2007-12-01 2:24 am
I don't say its SOMETHING. She just likes you. I had a friend once when I was in Highschool , and her friendship lasted till Highschool senior. After that we studied in different colleges but still she used to call me so many times, will send greeting cards and send gifts and write poems on me. etc.... Now she got married she is somewhere and she is taking care of her family and I am somewhere I am on my own way.

Those days I also feared like you , and I hated her sometimes and told her lot of times to stay away from me. Now I am feeling sorry for those words. She is such a nice friend she never minds. She just wanted to keep me happy. She will get me anything I want. Ofcourse I didn't ask her anything.

So, my sincere advice is pls. treat your friend as friend. There is lot of people who doesn't know how to express their love. That is also a FRIENDSHIP. don't give that any other name.

Good luck for your friendship.
2007-12-01 2:19 am
you have been friends for so long, she could like you, but you really need to talk to her about this....
2007-12-01 2:18 am
Could be both I don't know.You might have to wait it out and see or risk offending her and ask her.
2007-12-01 2:18 am
just flat out ask her if she does
2007-12-01 2:29 am
Try talking this out smoothly don`t mind what other people think she is still your friend maybe she gets creepy sometimes but I think she will understand if you just have a nice talk I bet it will work things out but if it not well try to ask her if she is doing this for a reason I sure you can work this out OK.
2007-12-01 2:26 am
yeah she likes you
2007-12-01 2:25 am
I know I was never "all over" any of my friends in high school (or ever really) and I didn't say they looked "cute". I probably told them they looked good if they were all dressed up for a party or dance or might have said "thats a cute outfit" if they got some new clothes. So these things sound fishy.

On the other hand I did call my best friend all the time (and vice versa)- we didn't have cell phones back in those days so no texting :-) but we didn't think the other was mad at each other if we didn't call back or something right away- that sounds kind of insecure of her.

Who knows? This is a hard one to tell. Maybe just jokingly say that someone mentioned the "gay" thing and see how she takes it.
2007-12-01 2:23 am
sound like shes diesal
2007-12-01 2:23 am
sounds to me like she loves you

might be sexually , but don't think so

friendship grows into a love for someone

I wouldn't push it away unless her intentions are fully known

Friends that love you are hard to find. so don't be afraid
except the friendship that has grown.
2007-12-01 2:22 am
I believe what's important is how you feel about it. If you're feeling annoyed, just find a way to tell that to your friend, but be tactful. And about her compliments, just try to be a bit cold about that, pretend you just didn't listen. I'm in no way saying you should ignore your friend, but a small dose of indiference wouldn't hurt, otherwise, if she's really gay, she may think you're into it. Just show that you're not, just in case. But, remember, BE TACTFUL.
2007-12-01 2:22 am
shes just clingy, does she have other friends, your her best friend, and do you really care she does this, anyhow i think shes bi
2007-12-01 2:20 am
lol girls are like that, they wanna be super close and tight with their "girl friends". So i guess theres nothing to fear, not like u guys are LESBOS or something, dont think that way and ur ok ..... maybe she just thinks ur her really good friend, be happy she's loyal to u.
2007-12-01 2:20 am
try to close to her , you might nail it
2007-12-01 2:20 am
I agree, ask her why she does and the next time she blows up your phone bring it up by going "damn your not my man!" so she gets the hint!
2007-12-01 2:19 am
maybe she does like you. just ask her about it. she might be very shy. i would understand if i was in her situation. she needs someone to talk to.
2007-12-01 2:19 am
she like u
2007-12-01 2:18 am
Are you way cuter or more popular than her? Maybe she's jealous of you, or insecure of her own looks/social status. That could be why she's acting so weird.
2007-12-01 2:19 am
duh! if shes all over you she basicly likes you. ask her or just ask her out if you like her. or just tell her to cool
2007-12-01 2:19 am
I say run with it and have pillow fights in your jammies :o)
2007-12-01 2:18 am
Jeez! She likes you! DUH!
2007-12-01 2:18 am
wow thats tricky, mayb get one of your other friends to ask her, but not tell her u told that friend to ask her, then she can find out for u.....Good luck!
2007-12-01 2:17 am
she likes u

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