I got little thing would like to ask?

2007-12-01 2:14 am
Our company recently got a big big deal form west african, and they have not even seen the sample of the furniture and then they try to place order for over 200 thousand dollars for the deal, and I am not racist and against african ,but the contract it said something just seem not a contract is mad you think they pay money so called (easy money)
(my question is they need me to register they company officially with the Contract Award Board(CAB) with a required amount of US$1,150 only) what the hell is Contract Award Board, should I pay that money? or what?

回答 (4)

2007-12-01 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
That's a scam. Avoid it at all costs, or you'll lose a LOT of money.
2007-12-01 10:41 am
$1150 is the amount they're going to con you out of.
2007-12-01 10:25 am
i used to work from money mart and we dealt with western union.... we always had "red flags" and " high warning" when it came from transaction in africa. most likly they would be denied and they were scams. not to say it necessarily is a scam... but either avoid it at all costs or quadruple check, ask a million questions and do all you can do to look into it!

if i were you i wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
2007-12-01 10:25 am
If it looks like a SCAM
Smells like a SCAM then it's a SCAM

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