
2007-12-01 7:47 am




回答 (4)

2007-12-01 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
你篇文係咩題目? 我覺得你現在可以將文作成中文, 然後搵人幫你譯文
長遠地, 你想英文好d方法, 其實你自己已答了, 無錯, 就係買d小學參考習作黎做, 因為底子好重要, 你若太過急進, 可能識得其反
唔好怕... 盡量做好d, 問多d人, 我相信有機會學好既

2007-12-01 00:11:28 補充:
sorry... 我手快快, 以為你是要交作文, 原來係考作文, 考作文係無題目提供給你的...現在你才想依個問題, 太遲了吧....我覺得你依幾日 (甚至以後) 睇多d英文報紙, 唔識就查未典, 甘樣會增加自己識既英文努力吧.... 只要有夢想, 凡事可成功
2007-12-01 9:45 am
There are lots of ways to learn English, such as Easy and Fun way or Hard-working

Easy and Fun Way
This way learn slower than Hard-working way

1.You can buy some DVDs movies and watch them with English subtitles, this helps you in learning Listening, Speaking and Vocabulary
2. You can play games(I am not joking) some of the English games help you alot, you can learn a hugh amount of simple vocabularies.

Hard-Working Way
The following idea are very effective

1. Pick up a dictionary, and remember 10 meaning of new words everyday
2. Read Books and find reading exercise in the internet, if you do not want to read books, you can read passage in Wikipedia, http://www.wikipedia.org you can search a random topic and you read it.
3. Find a teacher, a proper English teacher to teach you English

I hope your English Skills will improve....+oil
參考: me
2007-12-01 9:09 am
there are many ways to learn english..
basically,read more,speak more,listen more,write more...
every time,you have time to read some stuffs..just check the english version first..
like TV...newspaper..magazines..
if you are not shy..just go to the sighting seeing of HK...talk to the foreigners..they are so nice~~
listening..why don't you listen to the english songs and radio??don't ever think about chinese!!!
writing...if you have any chance to write something...for example,taking notes..writing down something...just write it in english...
if you "touch" more in english...your english should be improved!!!trust me...but at least you need to do something....try your best~~

learn more vocabularies can help you too....good for your writing...
do some practises for grammar,tense...some basic skills...
參考: I lived in US
2007-12-01 7:54 am

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