Can't load Win XP

2007-12-01 4:23 am
My computer is PIII 667Hz, 128MB SDRam. Yesterday, I have formated the harddisk and installed Win XP. However, I found that my computer could only run BIOS but couldn't load Win XP after loading BIOS. What is the problem? Is it because my CPU is too slow?

回答 (2)

2007-12-05 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
my computer has aslo like that.
Your computer's motherboard should be burnt......
but you can try this(but it may be delete all the files)
when you switch on your computer,click F8
and then choose the longest word one(link'xxxxxx(只 X windows 使用)
if the problems contiune
you might bring it to repair....
2007-12-01 5:37 am

2007-12-01 21:17:17 補充:

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