
2007-11-30 10:59 pm

我係讀seattle center community college
1.我想問個placement test 有無考math?
9.我聽人講有family teacher既工作,我想知係咩東西來的

回答 (3)

2007-12-02 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) For cell phone, first of all, you still need to open a mobile phone account. I suggest AT&T or T-mobile because you want to use your own phone. For phone card or long distance credit to call Hong Kong, go to noblecom.com and buy $20 credit at a time. You can talk very long with that. If you are using computer, the best is, of course, Skype.

2) For cell phone, the monthly fee will include certain amount of minutes.
For example, AT&T has plan that is US$60/ per month that will give you 900 minutes talk time in prime time. Weekend and night (9P to 6
A) is free. Unused time can be rolled over to next month.

3) See answer 1

4) A lot of charger are 110/220 compatible. You just need the right adapter.


1) I think there is. But it should be simple.

2) Placement test for community college should not be difficult. Especially you are foreigner with English as your second lanuage.

3) Community college is kind of a place to prepare yourself for the 3rd and 4th year of a 4 year college. I think you just have to ake sure you are doing good in all the genral subjects

4) You should look for some good business school. A don't know about Washington state. for New York, Baruch College is very good

5) Depending on school. Certain class has 3 to 4 credits and some of them are only one. for exmaple, I were from an engineering school, lab only has one credit, English class has 3 and major subject such as the signal process I took has 4. For 12, I assume it should be about 5 classes.

I'll continue
2007-12-06 6:48 am
the phone
forget about the HK ceel phone lar, just buy one and open a new account when you are here the cost is not bad. the phonecard you can buy at any local stores, shop around and see which one is best in value. how to call HK? the phone card instruction will show you.

the school
english and math are most subjects in admission exam. so be perpare.
going to banking business---- try anything related with finance lor. working in the bank does not request much from the entrylevel. have college degree is good enough.
12 credits is basic request for full time student. about 5 to 6 classes each semaster.
3.5 gba is about 83-87.
looking for parttime job... you can check the local news papers, schoold news broad...or from friends/ classmates.
2007-12-01 5:08 am
go chinatown buy $5us phone card 200min to hk. usa is 110V, n go chinatown u will know a lot.

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