我係英國讀完 a-level (= 香港的中7程度) 點樣可以報香港d大學?

2007-11-30 10:40 pm
我一家移民了英國5年, 係英國讀完 GCSE 和 a-level 但因冇錢讀英國D 大學, 所以我們一家移民返香港. 我最擔心的是因為我無係香港孝 會孝和中7果個試, 香港D大學唔會比我讀大學.大家請解釋我點樣可以報香港d大學?

回答 (3)

2007-12-01 3:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
yeah. But you have to be quick. You need to get all your certificate ready and you need to print a reference letter from the web for your tutor to write.
The deadline for HKUST is 28th Dec;
HKU is 31st Jan
Poly doesn't start until 19th Dec
and CUHK is about Feb.
I have done the applciation for HKU, HKUST and CUHK. You need to spend a lot of time working on the personal statement and I personally find that the courses in Hong Kong is really limited, unlike those in HK.
I think you need to check the style coz it'll be completely different to those in UK. You might not be able to cope with the uni in HK
I recommend you to apply online because the fee for application is cheaper. You have HKID card therefore you will apply for Non-jupas (direct admission for CUHK) and you are under Local students. Don't try to apply for international students or your school fee will be really expensive!
2007-12-02 11:58 am
What is your gcse result?
are there lots of A* in GCSE or not?
how many A in A-level?
2007-11-30 11:28 pm
yes, no problem apply through non-jupas ie. directly through uni
have a look at their website

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