
2007-11-30 10:12 pm

回答 (7)

2007-12-01 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
增加在該城市舉辦國際性醫藥有關的研討會的機會。該城市的知名度有所增加。Increasing the hosting of international seminars in pharmaceuticals by that city will enhance its popularity.
研討會=seminars, 論壇=symposium
知名度 = popularity, celebritities

2007-12-01 21:17:29 補充:
原文的 (增加在該城市) 用詞有待改善。(增加一個城市)舉....。是會令(該城市的知名度有所增加)的。 是否比較通順一些呢?如此一來我的譯本 that city 亦要改為 a city 。
參考: common sense only
2007-12-01 2:34 am
Offer more opportunities that hold of international medicine in this city. It's use to add the extra popularity of this city.
2007-12-01 1:37 am

To increase the chance of hosting seminars about International Pharmacy in this city. The reputation of this city can also be enhanced.
參考: Me
2007-12-01 1:27 am
Increase that city hold the activity about internationalism curative's chance.Make the city famous.
參考: Me
2007-12-01 12:09 am
Increase that city hold the activity about internationalism curative's chance.Make the city famous.

2007-12-02 16:49:36 補充:
please don"t copy!
參考: think
2007-11-30 11:15 pm
Offer more opportunities that hold relevant seminars of international sex medicine in this city. The popularity of this city increases to some extent
2007-11-30 10:37 pm
Increasing the opportunities of holding international & medical related seminar in that city can help increasing its familiarity.

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