Printer 突然print唔到野 - URGENT!!

2007-11-30 7:05 pm
我部HK Deskjet 3740一向都操作正常,今日突然print唔到野(但掣有著綠燈),pop-up box寫著:


咁即係咩問題? 點算??

回答 (2)

2007-11-30 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Can you turn it off and turn on again?
Check the ink;
Check the paper;
Check the print command in your pc to see if it is in a queue,
if all are checked and ok, then may be it is printer problem.
2007-11-30 7:12 pm
試下turn off 个printer, check the printer cable, loosen it and reconnect it. 開番printer. Then reboot your computer. see if it works.
參考: me

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