
2007-11-30 5:58 pm
i juz took the driving test. but i failed !
原因係佢話我行得太慢, 阻礙正常交通 !

我想問, 我考係行 local 的
條路行40, 我行38. okay i obey the law !
咁其他車唔係考緊試, 一定行得快過我,, like 55mph ! right ?
but then that * said i drove too slow and caused traffic jam !
咁我可以點 ?

另外佢話我, 轉線應該加速 !
我已經 juz below the speed limit. 咁我仲可以點加速 ?
加速就超速! 咁佢要我加速定超速 ?

係香港考貨van 一次 pass,
黎到 CA 考俾人話我衰呢D野.所以都幾憫 !

平時渣車理得你個 speed limit.
而家考緊試. so wt she want me to do ?

會唔會係我個樣細個又係chinese ? -_-
omg please let me know !
thanks =]

回答 (2)

2007-12-01 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes i am agree :叮噹 what he said. There are lots of tester, if you want to find a good tester, just only can determined by Luck.
Every people drive fast in there, they dont care about the cop, everyone drive fast even there is a cop, the cop just pull them over first, but not you. For me i also drive fast, i drove 65 miles in 40 miles zone, in 45 miles zone i drove upto 75miles.
But based on your experience
條路行40, 我行38 , but then that * said i drove too slow and caused traffic jam
Than next time when you drive , find out where is the cruise control button in your car, once you go to 40, click that, remain in there, than if he still said you drive slow, you can argue to him back with
1) We cannot drive above speed limit , it states in the law. If i go above you still said slow, you will be also fail if i am your tester when you take the test.
2) I uploaded my road test rubric , i am not sure in california is it still the same, because i took the road test in other state in this year. Try to look at Violations/Dangerous actions section
In the middle column first row, you see speed +10 or -10 mph will be deducted, if in this case, just overspeed 1-2 miles, they dont care ( if you meet a good tester)

轉線應該加速 ( i am not really agree this point)
Because when you do head check, you will have at least 1 second doesnt see the road that is in front of you, if you speed up and change lines, and in the same time, there is a car in your left hand side and want to make a right turn to your lane, it is very easy to crash the car. And in California, people drive crazy, so this point i am totally disagree.
Change lines should be slow ( unless your car has the blind spot system that tells you there is no car next to you,speed up, like Volvo has that system)

而家考緊試. so wt she want me to do ?
Maybe she is in a bad mood, the americans doesnt really hate the chinese, but anyway, luck is the most important things that you have to get!!!
Hope you can pass the test! Good luck man
I am a licensed driver in other states
Go to the website that i typed above and have a look of the road test rubric
Hope you can choose my answer as the best answer!
Good luck man

2007-12-01 13:50:27 補充:
Those opinions that i mentioned above are just only my thoughts, please tell me when i was wrong!
參考: I am licensed driver
2007-12-01 1:06 am
其實有很多人在香港有車牌, 嚟到加州考唔到的.
冇計啦, 種族歧視應該唔會啦, 但每個考牌官的要求都唔一樣, 睇吓你好唔好彩lor. 下次碰著第二個, 可能會話你楂得太快, 好難講.
下次再考的時候, 萬一佢又話你有太快或太慢的時候, 你問番佢你邊到楂得唔好, 不過唔好串佢呀.......
祝你好運! (記住唔好比佢覺得你係好勝, 要小心駕駛!)
參考: 我在加州考咗車牌啦

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