Runescape level

2007-11-30 5:28 pm
My runescape combat level is 59, how can I earn money to buy full rune?


Sorry! My attack level is 49, strengh level is 48, Defence level is 46, SORRY -_-


Where is Grand Exchange? I dont know where is it!!

回答 (8)

2007-12-01 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest you to up your level of woodcutting.
When your woodcutting level is 60,you can chop down Yews.
Each Yew log can sell 330-370gp in world 1,3,4 or 5.
So that,3 Yew logs can sell 1k,full rune(200k)only needs 600Yew logs.

I won't suggest you to fishing because cooked lobsters only can sell 250gp.
It also needs to walk a long time to the bank and lobsters are easy to burnt.
參考: me
2007-12-10 3:14 am
1.the best way to buy full rune is go to the grand exchange (talk to the exchange tutor first if u did not to him before or not u could not do the exchange)talk to the exchanger and exchange click buy then search for rune set there should be a good price for u to buy it. to earn money fast?for me it is easy there r many ways because i am a member,for a non-member like u the way to earn money fast is to go fishing like the answers above or u could fish lobbies and go to the wild pk or go to the black castle in wild and keep on get the runes there and sell them.

2007-12-09 19:16:18 補充:
u could go smithing and mining to earn money fast too.
2007-12-09 12:25 am
how can I earn money to buy full rune?
1.go get a auto wc and cut wood.
2.go fishing lobers(or u can cook them) and earn money$$$
3.mining iron rocks(or use auto) and earn money$$$
4.did u finish all quest?go finish and kill monster to earn$$$!
5.go to some drop party or u will get some money.......
if u need help,add me lt1190
2007-12-07 6:22 pm
i am level 63 and with great strength
the way i earn money is to got to wildy and fight, cause at ur level
u should be able to kill pplz in a fst time
2007-12-04 8:43 pm
fishing earn money real fast
2007-12-02 10:13 am
你好,我中英街通,yeah.第一,你一定冇咁高attack,strengh同defence,我71lv都係同你差唔多,你估有冇可能-.-?廢話小講,如果我係你,我會狂fish lobster,之後去varrock east bank賣,就好嫁...or 你去打hill giant(係varrock西邊一間locked左既屋仔,用blass key入去,之後落去 打,都幾好嫁。
參考: 我,fireking766,member 是也,唔信你可以add我睇下把d long.
2007-12-02 6:47 am
I suggest u can fishing lobby(200-240gp) for about 1-1.5k of them since full rune is just 150-200k.
Woodcutting is good too, you can train till lvl.60 to chop and sell yews for 370-410gp each.
Mining is anthor way for money making, you can sell coals for186-207 for each.
Fighting monster that drop laws is another good way, since many player buy 1 law for 1k each.
After u got 160k, u can buy a rune aromor set in the grand exchange, (l) for male and (s) for female, because it is just about 160k in the grand exchange.
Hope i can help u.

2007-12-01 22:58:36 補充:
tips: When u r fishing lobster, u can always cook the lobster in karumjar before u go back to the bank, drop the lobater u have burnt, and fishin again, go to the bank when u have ur inventory full with well cooked lobster, or mabye u can use home tele when u want to go back.

2007-12-12 21:34:28 補充:
The grand Exchange is at the north of varrock

2007-12-12 21:35:01 補充:
The grand Exchange is at the north of varrock
參考: me
2007-12-02 12:39 am
Kill moss giant and get the big bones then sell them to other player 250-450gp each
參考: my experiment

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