just have a little question...

2007-11-30 3:39 am
I fal in love with a boy in Hk, But I study in England.. I would only go back Hk in summar holiday.....And the boy is always busy with his study in U year2.....We even don't have time to MSN, e-mail.....maybe like 1 month an e-mail, or sometimes even 2 months a call.....I think we are just like a friend.....And he seems to be have another girlfriends in hk.....I am afraid....

Shall we keeping going with this relationship???

回答 (3)

2007-12-05 11:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't think you are even in a relationship. It's just a friendship and not even a close one. Long distance relationship wouldn't work and seems like you both didn't even start one because I don't see you guys keeping it one. I mean you guys don't see and don't talk with each other. How do you keep a relationship going when you are both busy and don't communicate with each other?
Lets just forget about him and move on with your life. Find someone that really cares and loves you. Good luck!!
2007-11-30 6:06 pm
You should stop this relationship!
1. I don't think you love each other. (1 month an eamil, 2 M / 1 call ) Both of you were attracted each other only (i do not the boy, to guest it only).
2. Both of you should pay attention at your study. It is the most wonderful time in your life that your parents stand for your studay, and you have nothing to worry about (financial, future.. job...) so, enjoy your staying at campus ever you work hard for your study.
3. forgive him; maybe he is an episode in your whole life; who knows the future? do what you need to do, and do it better.

Hope you can understand what i said....
2007-11-30 4:14 am
I think you should talk to him what you think,and listen what he say.You must tell to him you love him.If not you will feel very afraid ever time,when you think he.I f you are shy to say to he "I love you" then write a E-mail to him.

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