
2007-11-30 3:03 am
1. 中央處理器(CPU) AMD K7 Athlon XP Thoroughbred-B Processo rPRO 3800+1.85 GHz換唔換好(換的最好比d平平地果d)


3.想買顯示卡,有咩好介紹(玩到普通3D GAME),比埋價錢

回答 (1)

2007-11-30 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, PCI and AGP is not for ram, is for other additional card, then, if you nask AGP display card or PCI display card is better, i suggest AGP display card.If you want to ask for the display card, i think that HD 2600 PRO AGP is best chooice. but that A.XP is so old, it can't run many progamer and games. but if you only want to update CPU, may be you need to go to second hand market.

2007-12-01 15:21:41 補充:
sorry,i think that HD 2600 XT is better, it take around 1000HKD.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:36:28
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