
2007-11-30 2:40 am
請用英文介紹panda~(例如 panda的外貌 性格 品種............)記得用英文~Thx!!!!!!!!

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2007-11-30 5:04 pm
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Giant panda


Giant panda is striking black-and-white bear with black fur around the eyes, on the ears, on all four legs, and across the back from shoulder to shoulder. Sometimes the black fur is replaced with reddish black or brownish fur. Unusually, it has six digits on each front foot, with the sixth digit actually an extension of the sesamoid bone and serving as an opposable thumb, thus giving the panda additional dexterity. This stocky bear reaches about 5.5–6 ft (1.7–1.8 m) in body length and weighs about 175–280 lb (80–125 kg), with the females about 10–15 percent lighter than the males.
Panda narrowly distributed in small parts of the Tibetan plateau in southwestern China.Its habitat is in bamboo jungles 4,000–12,000 ft (1,200–3,600 m) above sea level.
About the behavior of panda, they are mainly solitary animals, except for female-and-cub groupings. Males and females have home ranges. A male's range excludes other males, but may overlap with the range(s) of one or more females. Territories are maintained by scent markings on trees or other surfaces, and by tree scratches. Males and females vocalize, with females doing most of their sound-making during the breeding season. Males may compete for females.
Panda primarily eat bamboo, including the leaves, stems, and shoots. They are the most vegetarian of the bears, eating little other than bamboo. They have flattened molars and a specialized digestive system to handle the tough plant material.
Panda are polygynous and promiscuous. Mating occurs in spring, with litters of one to three cubs born in late summer to early fall. Despite the size of the litter, the mother commonly only rears one of her cubs. The cub weans at about nine months, and stays with their mother for about one-and-a-half years. Sexual maturity is attained at about 5–7 years of age, although competition for females may prevent a younger male from breeding that early.
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)

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