
2007-11-30 2:29 am



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2007-11-30 5:30 pm
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Hong Kong is an administrative region of southeast China on the coast southeast of Guangzhou, including Hong Kong Island and adjacent areas.
Opium War (1839–1842), Hong Kong Island was occupied by the British and ceded to them by the Treaty of Nanking (1842). Other portions of the colony were acquired in 1860 and in 1898 by a 99-year lease. The region comprises Hong Kong island, ceded by China in 1842 under the Treaty of Nanjing; Kowloon (Mandarin Jiulong) peninsula, ceded (with Stonecutters Island) in 1860 under the Beijing Convention; and the New Territories, a mountainous mainland area adjoining Kowloon, which, with Deep Bay on the west and Mirs Bay on the east and some 235 offshore islands, was leased from China in 1898 for 99 years. A free port and important center of international commerce and banking for most of the 20th century.
Now Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty since 1997. Victoria is the capital. Population: 6,940,000.
Guangdong province of mainland China is located on the north of Hong Kong, connecting Hong Kong with across the Sham Chun River (Shenzhen River).
Kowloon is one of the most populated region in Hong Kong. Despite Hong Kong's reputation of being intensely urbanised, the territory has made much effort to promote a green environment. Most of the territory remains undeveloped as the terrain is mostly hilly to mountainous with steep slopes. Of the territory's 1,104 square kilometres (426 square miles), less than 25% is developed. The remaining land is remarkably green with about 40% of landmass reserved as country parks and nature reserves. Most of the territory's urban development exists on Kowloon peninsula, along the northern shores of Hong Kong island and in scattered settlements throughout the New Territories.
One of the world's leading commercial centers, Hong Kong is home to many international corporate offices and a world-famous tailoring industry. Hong Kong has little arable land and few natural resources within its borders, and must therefore import most of its food and raw materials. Hong Kong is the world's eleventh largest trading entity, with the total value of imports and exports exceeding its gross domestic product. As of 2006, there are 114 countries that maintain consulates in Hong Kong, more than any other city in the world. Much of Hong Kong's exports consists of re-exports, which are products made outside of the territory, especially in mainland China, and distributed through Hong Kong.
Name of "Hong Kong", literally meaning "fragrant harbour", is derived from the area around present-day Aberdeen on Hong Kong Island, where fragrant wood products and fragrant incense were once traded. The narrow body of water separating Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula, Victoria Harbour, is one of the deepest natural maritime ports in the world.
Governed under the Basic Law as approved in 1990 by the National People's Congress of China, Hong Kong's constitutional document, the local Hong Kong government retains sovereignty over the territory except in areas of national defence and foreign relations. Only the Chief Executive, the head of territory and head of government, is selected by the Chief Executive Election Committee composed of 800 members. All other functionaries of the government, including members the executive and legislative branch, are either appointed by the Chief Executive (directly or by proxy) or elected by voters. In theory, this arrangement guarantees Hong Kong is governed almost independently of the PRC and can retain its unique cultural, legal and economic infrastructure. In practice, however, some have accused Beijing of excess intrusion into Hong Kong domestic affairs beyond levels permitted under Basic Law.
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:36:49
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