RMS Titanic

2007-11-30 2:19 am
RMS Titanic,RMS 是咩意思

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2007-12-07 8:08 pm
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RMS 是縮寫, 本意是 Royal Mail Steamer

Royal 即是英國皇家的意思; steamer 是蒸汽推動的船, 在當時是比 輪船 先進的; 由於此船不只載客, 也運送郵件, 故有 mail 一字, 詳情可參考 wikipedia:

Titanic was 882 feet 9 inches (269 m) long and 92 feet 6 inches (28 m) at the beam.[3] She had a Gross Register Tonnage of 46,328 tons, and a height from the water line to the boat deck of 60 feet (18 m).[4] Her three propellers were driven by two four-cylinder, triple-expansion, inverted reciprocating steam engines and one low-pressure Parsons turbine.[5] Steam was provided by 25 double-ended and 4 single-ended Scotch-type boilers fired by 159 coal burning furnaces that made possible a top speed of 23 knots (43 km/h).[6] Only three of the four 63 foot (19 m) tall funnels were functional; the fourth, which served only as a vent, was added to make the ship look more impressive.[7] Titanic could carry a total of 3,547 passengers and crew and, because she carried mail, her name was given the prefix RMS, (Royal Mail Steamer).


The RMS Titanic leaving Belfast for sea trials, 2 April 1912

2007-12-07 15:52:30 補充:
you are welcome

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