you want to be ??

2007-11-30 2:16 am
If you could be someone else , you want to be who ?? and WHY ??

回答 (2)

2007-11-30 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
If I could be someone else , you want to be Sun Zhong Shan (孫中山).

Sun Zhong Shan is a Chinese revolutionary leader.He founded the Hsin Chung Hui (‘New China Party’) in 1894, one of the political groups that merged to form the Kuomintang (Guomindang, nationalist party) in 1912 after the overthrow of the Manchu Empire. He was elected provisional president of the Republic of China in December 1911 and played a vital part in deposing the emperor, who abdicated in February 1912. He was president of a breakaway government from 1921.

After many years in exile he returned to China during the 1911 revolution that overthrew the Manchu dynasty. In an effort to bring unity to China, he resigned as provisional president in 1912 in favour of the military leader Yuan Shikai. As a result of Yuan's increasingly dictatorial methods, Sun established an independent republic in southern China based in Canton in 1921. He was criticized for lack of organizational ability, but his ‘three people's principles’ of nationalism, democracy, and social reform are accepted by both the nationalists and the Chinese communists.

Sun Zhong Shan's bravery and patriotism really impress me. He tried to bring unity to China in his whole life. I hope I could achieve my goals without any hesitation just like him.
參考: ME
2007-11-30 2:39 am
i want to be the president of USA

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 19:16:47
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