
2007-11-30 2:05 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-06 4:24 am
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Victory in the Anti-Japanese War and the Chinese civil war
The British Hong Kong government during the last coat of arms of the colony of Hong Kong banner, Blue Flag and representatives of the British colony of Hong Kong emblem of the composition, 1959 - 1997 1945 Hong Kong Chung-kwong, the Cenotaph in Central hoisted the ROC national flag and the former British After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War flag, the British flag once again raised in the Office of the Governor of Hong Kong. Then again due to the Chinese civil war started, the ROC government is unable to get justice to the British government. The successor to the Communist Party of China in 1949 to set up the People's Republic regime, the Chinese and British sides reached an agreement on the issue of Hong Kong: China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong has no intention, nor interfere with the Nationalist government soldiers and civilians's activities in Hong Kong to the British in exchange for the recognition of the People's Republic of China . In 1950, Britain recognized the founding of the PRC, is the first Western countries to recognize the People's Republic of China. The People's Republic of China and later in the Korean War and the Western world and that the embargo imposed by Western countries, the People's Republic of China to Hong Kong as a transshipment materials, procurement of funds, the only window collection.

In October 1956, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon Peninsula occurred right-wing trade union riots, the ROC government's intelligence personnel were prohibited from entering Hong Kong.

In 1966, the Cultural Revolution swept across China and by the same year in November in Macao riots, forcing authorities stimulate compromise, the Red Guards crossed many times intention border. Later leftists openly respond to the call of the domestic rebels, many instigated riots in Hong Kong. At that time, full release in Hong Kong to write on the streets "compatriots should not get near" real "pineapple" [8], so that Hong Kong into a panic
2007-12-06 4:26 am
There have been a number of people have been really bombs and other means killing. Later, the PRC Premier Zhou Enlai, "long-term use, and fully intend," and do not intend to adhere to recover Hong Kong, so that one thing to calm down.

[Edit] economic take-off
Experienced the late 1960s riots, the Hong Kong government in the early 1970s adjusted its policy and began consulting the views of Chinese, the Chinese gradually absorbed into the decision-making mechanism, and reduce the possibility of harm British rule. 1973 due to the impact of the oil crisis, Hong Kong has experienced an economic recession, but since 1974 began more than 20 years of high-speed growth. The 1970s in Hong Kong MTR to start, the ICAC set up to implement the nine-year free and compulsory education, and further expansion of the public housing program, such as 10-year housing program and the Home Ownership Scheme, both Hong Kong's future "economic miracle" lay the foundation for Hong Kong in the early 1980s as a world-renowned "four little dragons in Asia" [9] one.

In the early 1970s, as land in the New Territories lease problems, so that the Hong Kong government had to consider the question of the future of Hong Kong. The British government has repeatedly urged the People's Republic of China government to renew the New Territories lease, but for the People's Republic of China rejected by the government. But in the late 1970s, "the future of Hong Kong" has become a topic of the two countries officially, but whoever proposed transfer of political power in Hong Kong, the outside world has been opinion, but regardless of whoever suggested that the future of Hong Kong to the Chinese and British opened a nearly 20 arguments began.

Hong Kong in the late 1970s to 1997 20 to the economic take-off, is the Communist Party of China reform and opening up in 1978, held the Third Plenum of the Communist Party of China 11 session made a strategic decision is the first since the founding of the People's Republic of the basic opening to the outside world national policy, the effectiveness of this decision-making is one of China for a long time to change the situation closed to the outside, Hong Kong continues to play an intermediary skills and entered a period of rapid economic development.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:14:11
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