
2007-11-30 2:01 am
The attraction of the moon and the sun for the earth causes the tides. Use tides can produce electrical energy. People build dams to store water. Build coffers which can let water circulate. Also it must include gates to control the water. Near the gate they build water tubing generator. When there are flood tide and ebb tide water would pass through from the gates to get into a pool which store water and get water tubing generator move.

回答 (6)

2007-11-30 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-11-30 2:11 am
月亮的吸引力和地球的太陽引起潮流。 使用潮流罐頭農產品電能。 人們建造壩儲存水。 建造能讓水循環的資產。 此外控制水必須包括門。 在門附近他們建造水管發電機。 洪水有當時,水潮和退潮從要進入水池的那些門透過將哪水商店並且給水管得發電機移動。
參考: Dr.eye
2007-11-30 2:07 am
月亮和太陽的吸引力為地球導致浪潮。 使用浪潮能導致電能。 人存放水的修造水壩。 可能讓水流通的修造箱櫃。 並且它必須包括門控制水。 在門附近他們修造水管材發電器。當有時巨量和退潮水從存放水并且得到水管材發電器移動的門將通過進入水池
2007-11-30 2:05 am
2007-11-30 2:04 am
The attraction of the moon and the sun for the earth causes the tides. Use tides can produce electrical energy. People build dams to store water. Build coffers which can let water circulate. Also it must include gates to control the water. Near the gate they build water tubing generator. When there are flood tide and ebb tide water would pass through from the gates to get into a pool which store water and get water tubing generator move.
參考: hi
2007-11-30 2:04 am

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