請問 "眾生皆有佛性" 怎樣翻譯成英文?

2007-11-29 10:13 pm
請問 "眾生皆有佛性" 怎樣翻譯成英文?

回答 (3)

2007-11-30 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
眾生 = Sentient beings
佛性 = Buddha nature

眾生皆有佛性 = All sentient beings possess the Buddha nature
2007-11-29 10:23 pm
* 一切眾生,皆有佛性
* All beings have Budd
來源: 英文佛學術語
2007-11-29 10:18 pm
All human beginings are born with a sense of buddhism.
參考: 老作

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