weed/ party?

2007-11-28 11:28 pm
ok my parents are going out of town this friday and i've pretty much made it known that i'm having a huge party with my friends and i. theres gonna be a whole lot of alcohol and weed but i forgot that if my parents ever caught me doing it, i would get kicked out. what should i do? its too late to cancel, everyone is already for it and stuff. how do i not get caught?

回答 (14)

2007-11-28 11:30 pm
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2007-11-29 7:31 am
um make sure you dont have nosy neighboors and make sure you clean up good make sure you hide ur stuff well I highly doubt deir is goin to be any left but good luck
2007-11-29 7:36 am
I don't think it's a very wise thing to do, especially if you noisy neighbor call the cops on you guys and yes you'll be dead meat. Good luck.
2007-11-29 7:36 am
If you are going to get caught, you might as well go out with a bang. Party it up!
2007-11-29 7:34 am
I wouldnt chance having the party and getting kicked out of my house with no where to go. If you get kicked out, where are you gonna live???? Is having a party worth having no home? Tell them your parents changed their mind and arent going outta town so the plans have changed. If theyre your friends then they will understand.
2007-11-29 7:34 am
Move the location of the party. simple
2007-11-29 7:32 am
hey scar word to the wise get a hotel room dont dis the folks..its not worth it dude...
2007-11-29 7:32 am
haha well been there done that well make sure if you are doing that **** that you keep it down make sure you spray the house with nice scent so it doesnt smell like weed and make sure that if you do it somewhere that even if your parents walked in they wouldnt be able to see that you are the one smoking...yeah they will see other ppl doing it but at least it wont be there child if they say why did you allow this make them understand you have no control over other ppl only yourself and then act like a mad crazy and start sending ppl on there way lol
2007-11-29 7:31 am
make them smoke the weed outside, cause that smell will stick around, and be ready to do a lot of cleaning, cause the smell of alcohold will linger too if it gets really messy
2007-11-29 7:31 am
Dont Bring the weed or alchol. Its bad and weed is illegal sorry :(
2007-11-29 7:30 am
Tell them forget it. Your parents are not going away anymore and move the party to a park.

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