What if I regret never having a child?

2007-11-28 10:47 pm
I know this is something each of us have to decide for ourselves but I would like some food for thought. I am 34 and engaged to a man who has 3 kids whom we have part time (6, 8 and 10 yrs.) He loves me very much but insists that having a baby with me would cause hardship and very likely ruin the relationship we have. I am not into "babies" but would like to have one child of my own. It scares me though and I am not 100% sure. I dont have many "safe pregnancy" years left in me and I am afraid that the freedom I am enjoying now will not be worth it when I am in my 50's or 60's. Any comments from women who did not choose to have a child?

回答 (6)

2007-11-28 11:11 pm
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i know where you are coming from hun, When I met my partner he had his child, and he didn't want any more, I was 25 at the time and having kids was the last thing i wanted.. but the fact that he said no outright made me mad, I have never been a baby person (far far too selfish.. I loved my freedom, travelling, just my life..) I thought about it for ages, and decided I would rather live with him, than without him.. at the grand age of 32 i discovered i was pregnant.. To the shock of both of us.. we were living in Europe on a sailboat!!.. now we have a gorgeous 2 1/2 year old daughter, and a mortgage.. and not very much travelling!!! (and he has had a vasectomy now ;-) ..)

It is a very personal decision.. and no-one can answer for you.. you need to ask yourself if you would rather be with him or without him... I can say though I am soo glad I have my daughter.. I wouldn't change a hair on her head.. good luck and be true to yourself.. xxx
2007-11-29 6:56 am
Only you can answer this question. Before you enter into this marriage, make sure that you both are on the same page. Not just his wishes but yours also. It sounds to me like you need to do some soul searching. There is a joy in having children. He has experienced that already. You guys really need to talk. I feel that deep down inside, you really want to have a baby. Don't ever sell yourself short. Remember, a man can have babies a lot longer than women can. God Bless.
2007-11-29 7:09 am
When I was a college student there was an elderly lady who walked by my dorm daily. Many of us walked with her at times and she once said that she never had children because her husband didn't want them. But he died and left her all alone, and she really regretted that she had no children of her own. Basically there was no one to look after her in her elder years, and no one to love. I think of her often when I hear of someone like you trying to decide. Perhaps this is not the man for you if you want a child. Good luck to you no matter what you decide.
參考: Mother of 3 grandmother of 5
2007-11-29 11:06 am
i have children and love them dearly...you have children too they just aren't biological...i think your plate is full, leave well enuf alone!
2007-11-29 7:23 am
I think it totally depends on you. Yes a woman can have only so many years of safe pregnacy, if you really don't want a child then make up your mind and put it away forever. Personally, I think the birth of my kid is the happiest thing happened to me in my life and I never regret about it.
2007-11-29 7:15 am
If you feel you may want children later on, you need a partner that feels the same. You are not going to change this guys mind. Why would you make a decision like this based on one man?

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