
2007-11-29 7:25 am
Johnny bought a racket at $180 and sold it at a profit of 15%.Find the selling price of the racket
Mr.wong bought a village house at $720000 and spent %120000 on decoration.He then sold it at $1024800.Find the pro fit percent of selling the village house.
If a motorcyle is sold at $31680,the loss percent is 12%.If it is sold at $29520,find the new loss percent.

Mr.chan bought a television set and a videotape reconder at $3000 and $2000 respectively.If he sold them at a loss of 20% and a profit of 30% respectively,find the total profit or loss percent.


If a calculator is sold at 200,there will be a loss of 20% is to be obtained,what should be the selling price of the calculator?

回答 (2)

2007-11-30 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. $180 x ( 1+15%)
=180 x 1.15
=207 //

2.cost = 120000 + 720000 =840000
profit percent =[ ($1024800 -$840000 ) / $840000 ] * 100%
= 22% //

3 . selling price of television = 3000 x 80% =2400
selling price of videotape = 2000 x 130% =2600
total profit or loss = [(2400+2600) - 5000 ] / 5000 * 100%
=0 //

4. cost of calculator x 80% =200
cost of calculator 250 //

2007-11-29 23:52:02 補充:
漏左一題添3.cost of motorcyle x 88% =31680cost of motorcyle =31680 / 0.88 = 36000new loss percentage =[ ( 29520 -36000 ) /36000 ] x100%=-18%18% loss //
2007-11-29 7:36 am
參考: 我

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