number system

2007-11-29 6:34 am
convert the following decimal value to octal number
convert the following value to hexadecimal number

回答 (1)

2007-11-29 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
好...我幾鐘意做呢 d...XD...首先要轉做 2 進...之後轉 8 進就要由右開始睇 3 個位...用 (a) 做 example...
100(10) = 1100100(2) 最右 3個位係 100 即係 4, 向左果 3個位都係 100...淨番最左個 1...所以 = 144(8)
16 進就要由右開始睇 4 個位...

(a)100(10) = 1100100(2) = 144(8) = 64(16)
(b)223(10) = 11011111(2) = 337(8) = DF(16)
(c)255(10) = 011111111(2) = 377(8) = FF(16)


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