light problem

2007-11-29 6:32 am
If you increase the current flowing through an incandescent light bulb,
a. Will it get brighter?
b. Will the color change?

If you increase the current flowing through an LED light source,
a. Will it get brighter?
b. Will the color change?

回答 (2)

2007-11-29 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
By increasing the current over the rated current, light bulbs and LEDs may burnt out, it may be dangerous to do so.
If you increase the current flowing through an incandescent light bulb,
it will be hotter, as more energy is input to the light bulb. Since the temperature is higher, the radiation give out will be more, so it will get brighter. But black body radiation for different temperature do not give out the same proportion of different light spectrum, as a result the color seen by us is different (i.e. the color will change).
If you increase the current flowing through an LED light source,
as more energy is input to the LED, more radiation will give out, so it will get brighter. Since LED usually give out only light concentrates in a small part of light spectrum (i.e. specified wavelength), as a result the color seen by us is the same (i.e. the color will not change).
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)
參考: Myself
2007-12-08 9:07 pm
heavy question

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