急!!概率 (10分)

2007-11-29 6:03 am
(hints: 1不是質數)

回答 (3)

2007-12-05 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In 1-100,
24 odd and prime number (OP)
26 odd and non-prime number (OC)

Now we have to calculate the probability of "First drawing 3 odd number, then drawing 3 prime number"

Since which odd numbers are drawn will affect the number of prime remaining, we have to study the question case by case

Case (I): All 3 odd number drawn prime number (3 OP)
Case (II): 2 of those 3 odd number drawn are prime (2 OP + 1 OC)
Case (III): 1 of those 3 odd number drawn are prime (1 OP + 2 OC)
Case (IV): Non of those 3 odd number drawn are prime (3 OC)

Case (I): All 3 odd number drawn prime number (3 OP)

P(drawing 3 OP) = 24/100 * 23/99 * 22/98 ... (1)

Since there are 22 prime number remaining...

P(drawing 3 prime number after drawing 3 OP) = 22/97 * 21/96 * 20/95 ... (2)

Therefore, P(drawing 3 odd and 3 prime by Case (I)) = (1) * (2) = 0.000130739

Case (II): 2 of those 3 odd number drawn are prime (2 OP + 1 OC)

[OP OP OC]: Prob = 24/100 * 23/99 * 26/98
[OP OC OP]: Prob = 24/100 * 26/99 * 23/98
[OC OP OP]: Prob = 26/100 * 24/99 * 23/98

These 3 prob are equal.
Therefore, P(drawing 2 OP + 1 OC) = 3 * (26*24*23) / (100*99*98) ... (3)

Since there are 23 prime number remaining after that...

P(drawing 3 prime number after drawing 2 OP + 1 OC) = 23/97 * 22/96 * 21/95 ... (4)

Therefore, P(drawing 3 odd and 3 prime by Case (II)) = (3) * (4) = 0.000533059

Case (III): 1 of those 3 odd number drawn are prime (1 OP + 2 OC)

[OP OC OC]: Prob = 24/100 * 26/99 * 25/98
[OC OP OC]: Prob = 26/100 * 24/99 * 25/98
[OC OC OP]: Prob = 26/100 * 25/99 * 24/98

These 3 prob are equal.
Therefore, P(drawing 1 OP + 2 OC) = 3 * (26*25*24) / (100*99*98) ... (5)

Since there are 24 prime number remaining after that...

P(drawing 3 prime number after drawing 1 OP + 2 OC) = 24/97 * 23/96 * 22/95 ... (6)

Therefore, P(drawing 3 odd and 3 prime by Case (III)) = (5) * (6) = 0.000662186

Case (IV): 0 of those 3 odd number drawn are prime (3 OC)

P(drawing 3 OC) = 26/100 * 25/99 * 24/98 ... (7)

Since there are 25 prime number remaining after that...

P(drawing 3 prime number after drawing 3 OC) = 25/97 * 24/96 * 23/95 ... (8)

Therefore, P(drawing 3 odd and 3 prime by Case (IV)) = (7) * (8) = 0.000250828

Req'd answer
= SUM of prob of 4 cases
= 0.000130739 + 0.000533059 + 0.000662186 + 0.000250828
= 0.001576812
參考: Note the concept and the pattern ^_^
2007-12-03 10:21 am


B1=23/97 x 22/96 x 21/95 (因繼續抽剩下97個數值,而質數沒有減少)
B2= 22/97 x 21/96 x 20/95(因繼續抽剩下97個數值,而質數減少了1個)
B3=21/97 x 20/96 x 19/95(因繼續抽剩下97個數值,而質數減少了2個)
B4= 20/97 x 19/96 x 18/95(因繼續抽剩下97個數值,而質數減少了3個)


2007-12-03 14:03:19 補充:
2007-11-29 7:59 pm
單數值不含質數50/100 x 49/99 x 48/98 x 23/97 x 22/96 x 21/95
單數值1個含質數50/100 x 49/99 x 48/98 x 22/97 x 21/96 x 20/95
單數值2個含質數50/100 x 49/99 x 48/98 x 21/97 x 20/96 x 19/95
單數值3個含質數50/100 x 49/99 x 48/98 x 20/97 x 19/96 x 18/95

total 23

請您想想喎, 不知道對不對, 剛巧我也在學緊.謝謝.

2007-12-07 04:52:40 補充:
是您對的,因我未有周詳想,對不起啊. 我想您心中有答案,只是找人對對?

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