
2007-11-29 5:05 am
像 a piece of cake果d咁

回答 (2)

2007-11-29 3:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
once in a blue moon - 好偶然才發生
over the top - 太誇張
hang on, hold on, wait a sec - 等一等
see you, see you later - 遲D見
see you in a bit - 遲D見 (但時間更短)
three times lucky - 第三次會好運 (巳試了兩次都失敗)
okey doke, okey dokey - an expression only, 有'好''同意' 的意思
easy peasy - piece of cake
cheers - bye for now
suck/sucks - 渣, not good
peanut - 小事
small potato - 小人物
go bonkers - go crazy
scumbag - 人渣
for god's sake - (don't know how to give you the meaning)
pull it off - 成功
2007-11-29 7:11 am
once in a blue moon難得的
carry a torch for (somebody) 戀上了某人 (esp. 指單戀)
follow your nose 以直覺行事
zero hour 關鍵時刻
skate on thin ice 步步為營
參考: me

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