
2007-11-29 4:48 am
感覺好像老闆對我有意見,又不好意思明白對我講,而令其他同事孤立我,連和我比較好的同事也參與其中, 怎麼辦?請給我想想辦法好嗎?要不要找個機會和老闆談談?,謝謝

回答 (2)

2007-11-29 6:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. Talk to your boss and your fellow colleagues ( focus on one of your 'best' friend first ). Communication is a best way to know the thinking behind of each party, to solve any misunderstanding, to restore trust and confidence and to build up a mutual trust for building future and further relationship and to motivate a positive thinking on every aspect. Your approach must be with sincerity and to show your eager to correct any mistakes you may have made, if any, and to build up trust and further advancement on 1. job related issue 2. personal or private relationship etc..Actions and not just words has an effective implication.
2007-11-29 10:49 pm
我而家同你情況一樣, 同事都孤立我, 我冇嬲過我喲同事, 大家搵飯食, 梗係聽boss 話啦,
不過我嘅心態係, 東家唔打打西家, 過完年好景咪 bye bye, 唔好景咪係到做等你炒. 你boss 唔鍾意你, 你就算同佢講十個鍾, 佢都係唔鍾意你啦, 不如另謀出路好過.

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