
2007-11-29 4:40 am

回答 (5)

2007-11-29 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
The humanity acts according to lives the area differently to have the
dialect, the science home use under water microphone transcribing
whale's cry also discovered that, the different habitat whale, each
other communication "the language" also has the dialect, lives in the
Pacific Ocean the northeast area whale, they link up when sends out
the sound on and lives in the west Pacific Ocean or the Chilean area
east Pacific section difference, as for the reason, the scientist also
did not know.
2007-11-30 6:31 am
The mankind has dialects on the basis of difference of the residence, scientist's cry of recording and produce the blue whale of wind with submarine Mike is found too, it is different whale of habitat,it is each other ' language ' when it communicate dialect too, it live in
The blue whale of the area of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, the sound that they emit while communicating and lives in difference in the Pacific area of the east of the area between West Pacific Ocean or Chile, as for the reason, scientists do not know either.
參考: Dr.eye
2007-11-30 1:28 am
The humanity acts according to lives the area differently to have the dialect, the science home use under water microphone transcribing blue whale cry also discovered that, the different habitat whale, each other communication "the language" also has the dialect, lives in the Pacific Ocean the northeast areablue whaleblue whale, they link up when sends out the sound on and lives in the west Pacific Ocean or the Chilean area east Pacific section difference, as for the reason, the scientist also did not know.
2007-11-29 8:59 pm
Dialects arised because of regional differences of human inhabitation. Using hydrophones scientists recorded regional differences between Blue Whales of various regions in terms of the noise or "dialect" that they execute. Blue Whales in the Northwest region of the Pacific Ocean "speak" a different dialect than those who inhabit in the Pacific West or Pacific East right off the coast of Chile. The cause of such differences puzzled scientists.
參考: eva
2007-11-29 4:50 am
The humanity different has the dialect according to the address areatarget, the specialized scientist also sends the reality with theunder water microphone system LTO call sound, differently lives theplace whale fish, each other communication "the language" also has thedialect, lives in
The Pacific Ocean the northeast area target LTO, links uptime sends out the sound sound on and lives east the west PacificOcean some person of Chile area target the Pacific section target isdifferent, as for the reason, the specialized scientist also did notknow.

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