
2007-11-29 3:42 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-08 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong with total area just 1092 square kilometres, but its population is about 7 million, is too crowded, there is always people by your side, no matter where you go, there is always people nearby. Moreover, with the industrized Mainland China on the north broder, the pollution is quite severe, about half of the days in a year, there are mist over the sky, and the air condition over the city is not so good and could be worse on some days when there is no wind. Living in Hong Kong the pace is so quick that may make you feel unbreathable. No matter where you are and what you are doing, having your lunch, travelling on board, or even walking, you are always being pushed by someone else. With these reasons, Hong Kong is not a good place to live for enjoy your life.
I hope this can help with your understanding. =)
參考: Myself
2007-12-08 7:09 pm
I love Hong Kong

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