
2007-11-29 3:41 am
What, on your view, is the most powerful argument for or against the view that beauty is just an expression of personal emootions? Or is there any reason to say that beauty is just in the eyes of the beholder?
Dear all,
i am actually doing my philo essay
but i do not know how to write 1000 words on the above topic
it is hoped that i can have it by fri30/11

回答 (2)

2007-11-29 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Beauty is personal view. That is to say, how you perceive something as beautiful might be not viewed by others in the same way.

Take an example that you as a young teenager male, you will find young girls to be lovely and pretty, but fellow boys to be sweaty and repulsive.

Consider also a dung beetle (蜣螂) who finds a big animal dropping (糞). To him, this is his big meal. But as a human, do you feel the same way as the dung beetle? This helps to understand why different individual might see things differently.

2007-11-29 16:14:37 補充:
It's different strokes for different folks.
2007-11-29 5:08 am


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