
2007-11-29 3:10 am
Last year people were afraid of eating poisonous seafood.Though the import volume of seafood descresed,its selling price remained the same.

Explain the phenomenon mentioned in the news report .

點樣知道the decrease in supply is equal to the descrese in demand令到the selling price remained the same?


回答 (1)

2007-11-29 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is reached by drawing a diagram:


When the import volume of seafood decreases, the supply drops from S to S1.
When people were afraid of eating poisonous seafood, the demand for it drops from D to D1.
When the decrease in demand is equal to the decrease in supply, the selling price remains at P but the Qd drops from Q to Q1.
As for more, the total revenue will drop as well becuase ( PQ1 < PQ ).

2007-11-28 20:03:43 補充:
Sorry for a typing error, it should be because but not becuase.
參考: My Econ Knowledge

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