speed of sound ..... (20) homework !!!!!!!!

2007-11-29 2:14 am
how do sound waves travell through material ???? And the speed of light though different material, including steel, wood, plastic, air and vacuum. thanks ~~~

回答 (2)

2007-11-29 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
sound wave is a mechanical wave, when a particle is set into vibrations, it causes the neighbouring particles to vibrate to and fro, as more particles vibrate, compressions and rarefactions are formed, in this way sound waves travel along the direction of travel of disturbances (of particles).


之後你問的係speed of sound 嗎??
問題寫了speed of light哩...


steel - 6000m/s
wood - 未搵到
plastic - 未搵到
air - 0度--331m/s 20度---343m/s
vacuum - sound waves is mechanical wave, it cannot travel through vacuum

2007-11-28 19:42:12 補充:
先補充一點temperature對speed of sound影響好大雖然問題好少問speed of sound但佢都應該標明係0度定室溫(20度)冇ge話可以challenge佢都得

2007-11-30 18:24:32 補充:
唔好意思連日黎都搵唔到木同膠ge sound wave speed我會繼續嘗試一下
參考: 上年老師比ge notes另加修改
2007-11-29 3:18 am
sound can be transmited from a place to another by vibration. When sound travell through material,the atom of that material will be vibrated to transmit the sound.

The speed of light in vaccum(呢個先岩,vacuum係錯)is the fastest ,about 300000km/s.
The speed of light in air is the same (300000km/s)
The speed of light in wood- -(光唔穿過木嫁喎)
The speed of light in steel(光穿過鐵嫁咩- -)
The speed of light in plastic(有好多種膠,隻隻唔同嫁喎)
參考: sor 唔係好幫到你

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