[美文]isn't it?同is it?有咩分別

2007-11-29 2:08 am
從前讀書,老師都係教用isn't it?
我知呢個係british english
但係我成日聽到美國人講is it??
最近我又聽到有老美講isn't it?

回答 (2)

2007-11-29 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
is it多人用D..
但有a little分別..
is it=係唔係..
isn't it=你自己認為係的,仲有D肯定, 問返人''唔係咩?''

參考: me
2007-12-01 2:27 am
It [is] cold today, isn't it?

It [is not] hot today, is it?

This is a way of question tag used in English.

you use [+] in the statement, then you use [-] in the question tag.
you use [-] in the statement, then you use [+] in the question tag.

Hope you understand!!!!

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