
2007-11-28 9:26 pm
上個星期四,0806 (惠理)




回答 (5)

2007-11-29 12:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

這個問題大致要分開兩方面來看. 一是市場氣氛及資金充裕程度; 二是公司的質素、競爭力及行業前景等.

如上述三隻股份皆在10月旺市上市時招股, 國內的「黑水」仍未被中央阻截前, 相信全部都可以高收的. 但本月初以後步入跌市, 就算是高質素的股份, 若「生不逢時」, 也難逃一劫. 如不幸中了潛水的新股, 或須考慮趁其他優質的股份同時下調時換馬, 或將來更有希望.

航運股的全盛周期或已過了高峰, 油價成本上漲對此類公司盈利帶來負面影響; 重汽雖有富豪入股, 但此公司的同業競爭者不少, 如看好中國經濟將造就更多中產人士買車的話, 何不選前藍籌股, 且一向盈利能力高的駿威 (203) 呢?

上市日買股, 是否更好?

視乎是否優質股. 長線看好的那類股份當然值得買 (記得建設銀行初上市時, 也曾一度輕微低於招股價的; 工商銀行初上市時雖高開, 但如此優質的股份, 在當時市況良好的情況下, 貴些少加注買入也是正確的).

但切勿貪平博可急速反彈. 很多時候, 新股潛水, 是不知向下尋低的幅度有多深, 時間要多久的. 給你一個例子: 數年前上市的中國遠洋 (1919), 約$4.2招價, 往後一年多, 曾但見3元左右! 現在的確急升了數倍, 但試想像一下, 要持有一隻股份一年有多, 遠低於入貨價幾成, 持續一兩年之久, 你是否舒服呢?

2007-11-28 16:08:24 補充:
因此, 如中鐵跌穿了招股價, 可考慮買; 重汽便不宜即日博.

2007-12-06 15:12:21 補充:
你講上市的只是A股, H股稍後上
2007-11-28 9:58 pm
新股不是每隻值得認購, 每次有新股招股時, 你最好比較一下相同類型行業的上市公司最近的股價表現.
2007-11-28 9:52 pm
1) I think you have a lot of mis-understanding point about share.
2) You should have global economic view and micro economic view, moreover it need to have practical application and understanding with the real market need.
3) Dear, it is not playing buy big or small in Macau casino.
4) When you buy new share, first you should full understand what is their business for and how they plan to use the money you invested in their share, simply saying when you buy their share, you are one of share holder, and how they spend your money invested is very important.

5) And definitely not "A" person tell you buy this, and then "B" person tell you to buy that then to make your decision.

6) With existing economic environment, Bank suffer with 2nd mortgage problem, and PRC (People Republic of China) is suffer with "too heat internal economic - inflation".

Does a new stock worth to invest is quite depend your understanding with the existing enconomic condition, elastic demand and etc and etc.

I just want to advise you handle care with your money, identify yourself is "Long term investor" or "Medium term investor" or just like use money like playing at "Children Funland"...

Because in my "Chinese dictionary" - pls open up your Chinese dictionary and see how to write these two words...., there is one Chinese word glad to share with you all: "Greedy" is very similar to "Poor", so don't greedy otherwise you will getting poor. Pls take serious note and understanding of what I mean.
2007-11-28 9:50 pm
中國中鐵可以抽新股, 因定價唔高 5.78 , 之前三隻都定價太高, 又剛巧跌市, 其實現在很多優質股都已由高位回落到合理水平, 如 2328, 1398 等, 可以考慮分段吸納
2007-11-28 9:36 pm

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