English - Correct use of "ever"

2007-11-28 7:11 pm
Dear writing experts, pls inform me whether the following sentence is correct, thanks:

過去十年, 我哋曾經做過好幾次推廣。

For the past ten years, we have ever done several similar promotions.

Is it correct use 『ever』 in this way?

回答 (5)

2007-11-28 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No. "Ever" 應用在問題上,如:Have you ever riden a horse?Have you ever eaten snakes?

2007-11-28 11:53:01 補充:
過去十年, 我哋曾經做過好幾次推廣。Over the past ten years, we have done several similar promotions.Have you ever riden a horse?Have you ever eaten snakes? 即:你曾經騎過馬嗎?你曾經吃過蛇嗎?
2007-11-29 8:57 am
Is it correct use 『yahoo』 in this way
2007-11-28 8:07 pm
the chinese meaning of ever is 永遠,始終;總是

if you add this word to the sentence, you means that you always do similar promotions, not only few times.

For example: you ever take breakfast at home. It means that you take breakfast at home everyday

the chinese meaning of SEVERAL is 幾個的,數個的

so if you use the word of SEVERAL in the sentence, you have better not to add EVER.

i think the correct sentence is :

In the past ten years, we have several done similar promotions.
2007-11-28 7:55 pm
你可以寫: We have conducted several similar promotions during the past ten years.

不要無緣無故用ever 或你不熟悉的字眼

2007-11-28 12:07:23 補充:
給你一些適當運用ever 的例句作補充ever 不止可用於問題上eg. Have you ever been to Australia? (你到過澳洲嗎?)亦可用於句子上eg.1) This is the best dinner I have ever had. (這是我吃過最美好的晚餐.)eg.2) They lived happily ever after. (他們從此以後過著快樂的生活.)good luck.
2007-11-28 7:37 pm
You can use: similar promotions have been conducted for the past 10 years.

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