
2007-11-28 7:52 am
The rent of a shop this year decreases by 15% as compared with last year's.If the rent is $10200 this year,find the rent last year.
Mr.wong has 100 mobile phones of the same model and they were worth $1580 each a month ago.The price of that model of mobile phone drops by 15% now. What is the total current value of those mobile phones owned by Mr wong?

The expenditure of Sharon on traffic and clothing were $1500 and $800 respectively last month.If her expenditure on traffic reduce by 16% and that on clothing increases by 20% this month, what are sharon's repective expenditure on these two areas this month?

回答 (2)

2007-11-28 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
let $X be the rent last year
10200 = (1- 0.15)X

total current value= (1580*10)*(1-0.15)

traffic expense= 1500*(1-0.16)
clothing expense=800*(1+0.2)
2007-11-28 8:00 am
$1260 +$960

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