help me!!!!!! english writing

2007-11-28 6:27 am
one day, you were walking home from school when found a love letter. you read the letter and discovered it was written by your best friend. Descride what happened next.

回答 (2)

2007-11-28 2:24 pm
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Then I wrote a letter back to my best friend after I went home. I explained I was still a student and did not want to think about love. In the letter, I also wrote I still wanted him/her to be my best freind. After that, I mailed the letter out to his/her house the next day.
參考: me
2007-11-30 6:57 am
我低form作過個差唔多ge題目呀...我個時係封信written to my best friend....我寫係一個成日整蠱我ge人寫俾我個fd...而我為左報仇...改左收信人個名....將封信俾左級上最醜ge女仔....我用左open ending....最後我係旁邊望住個女仔開信...然後我一路偷笑...
參考: me^^

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