幫我see下我o的文,有咩錯 比個分我(1篇)

2007-11-28 6:23 am
Today is Monday ,so I can cheak the Eng exam at the class. My eng teacher, Mr Lee said ours eng.
Exam paper one was very poor. NO ONE CAN PASS!
I thought it was exitied. It is because at the last exam have just had three people could pass.
But at this time, no one could pass, nobody could said anything. Mr Lee said don't be sad, it alsohad the paper two----writing part, it helped us very much. It also had two pass. It wasn't
me, I'm the third.fifty-seven marks,I'm falled.

. Mr Lee said don't be sad,it alsohad the paper two----writing part , it helped us very much. It also had two pass. 打錯了 it alsohad the paper two----writing part it also had the paper two----writing part It also had two pass. It also had two people pass.

回答 (1)

2007-11-28 9:59 pm
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Today is Monday ,so I can cheak the Eng exam at the class. My eng teacher, Mr Lee said ours eng.

1. 更改:
Today is Monday, so I can check the English exam marks at class.
Mr. Lee, my English teacher told us the marks.
Today is Monday, therefore I can check the English exam marks at class.
Mr. Lee, my English teacher announced the marks.

so与therefore是一样的。但是, so 比较普通。
所以要放“mark"分数, 而不是查看“英文考卷“,因这是老师的责任。
第一句可以用present tense现在式,因为当天宣布后(还在当天,可能你早上知道后,晚上就写着作文了。而你的意思是这样吧?),你写了那篇像日记般的文章。(today就是今天,现在发生的事。)

若你要用past tense, 可以说:
Mr. Lee, my English teacher announced our exam marks on Monday.(接下去)...这就是你不在宣布成绩的当天--不在星期一写这个文章,而是隔天才写的)

还有, 其实你若要放你英文老师的名,就要先放名字,这是一种尊重,重点在Mr. Lee,而不是某某/隔壁班的英文老师, 是Mr.Lee,我们的英文老师宣布的。但是,你的方式是对的,你也可以早你的方式写。

Exam paper one was very poor. NO ONE CAN PASS!
I thought it was exitied. It is because at the last exam have just had three people could pass.

2. 更改:
The mark of the first paper was low.
We were poor at English.
No one could pass the first paper@ No one could pass the exam.
I was excited@ I thought it was exciting. It was because there were three students could pass the last exam.

比较适合用过去式, 因为你陈述着已经过去了的事。
I was excited.形容我兴奋。
It was exciting.形容那件事令我感到兴奋。
形容事物就用exciting.如: The game is exciting.那个游戏令人兴奋。

It was because there were three students could pass the last exam.

But at this time, no one could pass, nobody could said anything. Mr Lee said don't be sad, it alsohad the paper two----writing part, it helped us very much. It also had two pass. It wasn't
me, I'm the third.fifty-seven marks,I'm falled.

3. 更改:
However, no one could pass the exam this time. We were silent.
Mr. Lee advised us not to be sad. She told us there were two students passed the second paper, writing test. Unfortunately, I was not one of them.
I got the third highest mark, fifty seven although I failed.

Mr Lee said don't be sad,it also had the paper two----writing part, it helped us very much. It also had two pass.

4. 更改:
Mr.Lee told us not to be sad because there was the second paper, writing part. That paper helped us in gaining marks. There were 2 students passed the paper.


2007-11-28 14:02:34 補充:

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