
2007-11-28 5:35 am


回答 (8)

2007-11-28 5:40 am
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Thank you each late to sing very much to me listens, to thank your each early morning to deliver me to do over, thank you to endure the pain to nip to me, hoped I later each Christmas day all will have you to accompany me to cross With your together day I felt extremely happily thank you to take to my happiness, you are most understood roars person which I smiles

2007-11-29 2:43 am
Thanks you each late to sing very much to me listens, to thank your each early morning to deliver me to do over, thanks you to endure the pain to nip to me, hoped that I later each Christmas day will have you to accompany me to cross

With your together day I felt that thanks you to take to my happiness very happily, you are most understood that roars human who I smile
2007-11-28 9:24 pm


Thank you for singing for me to hear every night very much, thank you for seeing me off to do over again every morning, thank you for biting very reluctantlily for me,
Hope that I will have you to accompany me to tide over every Christmas Day afterwards

It is very happy that I feel the day with you
Thank you for bringing my happiness, you understand that coax the person who I laughed at most
參考: me
2007-11-28 8:19 am
Thank you for listening to me singing every night, thank you every morning gave me rework, thank you忍着pain to me bite,
I hope that after you have every Christmas with me through

2007-11-28 00:20:33 補充:
http://translate.google.com/translate_t?langpair=zh|en good
2007-11-28 6:01 am
I express thank to you for your singing a song to me every night, your accompaning me when I go to work, your tolerating pain to allow me to bite you. I hope to be accompanied by you on the following every Christmas.

I am fortunate when I come with you together. I express thank to you for joy given by you to me. You are the most able to make me smile.
2007-11-28 5:56 am

Thank you for singing song to me every night,taking me to work every morning, suffering the pain when I bite, I hope you can be with me every Christmas.

I feel very happy in the days that I am with you.
Thank you for bringing me the happiness, you are the one who knows how to make me smile.

2007-11-28 5:47 am
Thank you each late to sing very much to me listens, to thank your each early morning to deliver me to do over, thank you to endure the pain to nip to me, hoped I later each Christmas day all will have you to accompany me to cross With your together day I felt extremely happily thank you to take to my happiness, you are most understood roars person which I smiles
2007-11-28 5:44 am
Thank you for singing song to me every night,taking me to work every mrning, suffering the pain when I bite, I hope you can be with me every Christmas.

I feel very lucky in the days I am with you.
Thank you for bringing me happiness, you are the one who know best how to make me smile.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 18:39:39
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