急需知道Canada的Port aux Basques,NL資料

2007-11-28 3:48 am
Port aux Basques,NL


Can tell me more detail about氣候呀?


thanks alot!!

actualIy..I will go there in Jan2008 till July2008. i go there for school study.. in fact, i wanna know lots of things. is there have shopping mall? will snowing ma???? how many total hours 飛機 go to there?? is it need to 轉機?? I wanna know more and more! thanks a million...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (1)

2007-11-28 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
NL 即是 Newfoundland, 加拿大其中一個省份, 中文叫紐芬蘭省, 位於加拿大最東北面, 屬海洋省份(意思係近大西洋), 由多倫多搭飛機去都要兩三個鐘頭(估計). 而 Port aus Basques 係紐芬蘭省入面一個漁港, 有船接去其它省份, 有酒店(幾間), 有少少旅遊.
6月 大概 22C
12月 大概 -10C
唔知你需要乜嘢資料, 可比依貓我.
參考: 來自加國

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