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Peak Tower
Terry Farrell & Partners' Peak
Tower is a classic, but its
construction was a
Herculean task
Capping the Zenith
The Peak Tower is visible from large areas of Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula, and has been featured in millions of photographs and postcards across the world. In many respects, its image has come to represent Hong Kong as a whole.
The tower also houses retail and entertainment facilities, a post office, and the terminus of the historic Peak Tram. In 1991, the client - The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd (HSH) - hired Terry Farrell & Partners to build the replacement for the 1972 original.
The Bowl: A con-spicuous symbol which complements the natural topograghy
Unique Form
In keeping with its prominence, the Peak Tower opts for a simple identity. Like the Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Opera house, its form is distinctive, even when reduced to a simple sketch or silhouette.The bowl device arrived at through a thorough investigation of the site's geographical, historical and cultural context.
The architects sought a design which would be prominent on the skyline but would not interrupt the natural line of the hills. The site is in a dip along the line of the hills, and the tower's height was restricted to 428 m above sea level. A floating form, rising from a solid base, was thus established as the best way to reinforce the site contours and achieve the necessary prominence.
The bowl shape was selected for its wealth of associations. It is reminiscent of the upturned eaves of traditional Chinese architecture, or a rice bowl or even a wok. Its curved outline also creates a formal contrast to the rectilinear blocks of the city below.