
2007-11-27 11:23 pm
買左 美國大陸航空公司 既機票
有冇規定行李幾多kg ga?
去到new york 仲要轉機 ...我怕唔識轉 or 轉錯
美國大陸航空公司 係咪有個職員會帶d tourist 去轉機or其他手續 a?? 有冇人知呢??
我第1次 坐飛機 同埋 去美國...所以 要問清楚d !!!!
同埋要準備買d咩野過去呀???? 我怕自己仲有d野會唔記得買


回答 (3)

2007-11-27 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
20KG always.

USA is checking up really serious and careful. So do not put any liquid or shaving tools.

Dont worry about the transfer plane,that is as easy as change MTR platform from MK to Yau Ma Day. :) Remember the flight no. and ask any staff and they will help u IF u need.Sure if u request for the tourist transfer but u gotta call ur flight company in HK b4 u land at USA.

Remember what u do and where u go when u immigrate. They staff will ask u even if u are student. If u cant ans where u go and which uni sort of...then they will hold u for about 10 mins ( dont worry ) and then will say if u are lier they will send u back home something.....hehe....cz i had tried that b4 ~.~

Dont worry to buy things...all the things can get from there apart from HK food.VCD i prefer u buy some for watching as u may feel bore at there.
參考: I stuided aboard for 10 yrs and went to USA once
2007-12-06 7:54 pm
美國大陸航空公司 係唔會有個職員會帶你去架,但其實都唔係好難,因為本身NEW YORK的機場不是很大
參考: 我自己住在美國
2007-11-27 11:35 pm
I have to type in English because my Chinese software is broken!

1) talk to the airline after you have the tickets; sometimes they give Extra Allowance in low season.

2) leave before christmas, before the ticket prices increase

3) book all tickets with the same airline.
to avoid lost lugguage.

pack less pieces of bags (1 big suitcase WITH good wheels + 1 handcarry)

4) if you are under 18, they will treat you as a 'minor'. you can request for
a guide during all 'transit' BUT local airlines may not do it. check with them before you leave hk.

5) always find the Customer Service / staff at the airport, otherwise, the police. DON'T trust strangers.

6) bring hk instant noodles and snacks for the 1st few days.

7) bring a pocket dictionary

8) bring enough US$ in case you need to take a taxi / lost lugguage

hope this helps.

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