Find a Part time Job

2007-11-27 10:04 pm
Dear all,
I 'm avaiable before 3:00 p.m. from Mon.toFri.~
I've graduated for Higher Diploma in Accountancy at Hong Kong City University.
I've worked for a CPA firm as a Junior Auditor for 3 years~Then, I've been a full time freelance tutor for 3 years~Actually, I have been a part time tutor since I was a form 3 student~
I am an experienced tutor~ I am keen on teaching children from kindergarten to senior form~
Do you have any recommendation?
Many thanks!

回答 (5)

2007-11-28 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you can find some jobs from collage and kindergarten .
Do you mind doing clerial jobs in school or kindergarten ? I saw this kind of job in ( careers ).
You can also be a part time tutor to teach primary & secondary students , because I saw many students ( eg form 1 - 5 ) finding a local or foreign tutor from websites ( sorry I forget the sites ! ) I think these jobs can fit your time .

I think you can find jobs easily because you have graduated in City University , hope my suggestions can help . Don't give up !
參考: myself
2007-12-03 12:03 am
2007-11-30 8:21 pm

兼職 Sale & Marking
工作性質: 推廣&跟進服務
有訓練 / 福利好 / 有晉升機會
要求上進!不怕辛苦! 有責任感!

快 啲 聯 絡 我 喇 ^^
Cobi Lo 
[email protected]
2007-11-29 12:40 am
工作有關推廣及跟進客戶工作 , 時間彈性
[email protected]
2007-11-28 2:42 am
We can offer you an allowance ($3000.- or more)
We are looking for the people who cares others.
Title: Financial Consultant. With the students you taught in the past
years, you can have stong customers' base.
We will offer an attractive salary to those who are the right candidates
in financial consultant. Interested parties, please email your CV to
[email protected]

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