
2007-11-27 9:03 pm
新手 想買一手 試試, 請問一手幾多股 ? 咩價買入最好呢?

因為第一次 , 是不是要開一個投資戶口? 如果沒股票,那開戶口需要有錢在戶口嗎 ? 要有多少?

謝謝回答阿^^ ,但我本身係BOC 冇saving account , 咁只係開一個投資戶口有冇問題呢?

回答 (2)

2007-11-27 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, 939中國建設銀行 is 1000 for "one hand" , so you buy one hand need $7.1 x 1000 = $7100 + bank fee( aorund $120 at Bank of China) = $7120
If you first time stock need open one "saving account" ,then ask the teller open "stock account" ( not need $), but the saving account must need $ for your buy stock la ^^
* BOC can buy stock at telephone or web *
參考: Me also haev Stock accound at BOC
2007-11-27 9:11 pm

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