about 美國 community college

2007-11-27 4:07 pm
我而家讀緊ESL,之後想轉community college.

回答 (4)

2007-11-27 11:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
只要你係18歲以上或中學畢業, 及持有綠卡的話. Community College 一定收你的, 唔洗擔心.
For PCC ref : http://www.pasadena.edu/admissions/apply/who.cfm
我唔知你在那裏讀緊ESL ,如果你在美國住滿一年的話(同一個洲), 你就可以用居民身份報讀comminity college (學費有優惠) ; 如不足一年的話, 就要捱貴學費的 (可考慮到audlt school 讀住先)
如果要報讀community college, 先要考個Placement test, 不要太擔心這個test, 因為只係一個程度評估試. 如果Placement test 考得好d, 咁就可以讀level高d (快d讀完攞). 否則, 都係讀多幾班ESL啦.
Placement Test 有英文及數學, 都係一個評估試. 但最好有小小準備啦, 如你現在有讀緊其他的ESL班, 都係一個好的準備; 數學方面, 不防睇吓中學d書本, 考好d就唔洗浪費時間在一些non-credit的科目上面.
好似樓上位朋友講, 識多d朋友, 對你讀書都是有幫助的.
參考: 讀緊Community College的經驗
2007-11-27 5:12 pm

如果係,者係你就快要用居民身份入讀正式的community college。其實,你無需擔心要準備什麼,因為要用居民身份入讀係非常容易,只要你有中學畢業,基本上就可以入讀。至於收生考試,只不過係幫你係英文及數學上分不同程度的等級。

2007-11-27 4:39 pm
Community college may ask for your SAT score.
If you have not taken SAT, then they will ask you to take placement test for math and English.
Some English professors may ask students to write an essay on the first day of class to filter out students that lack the necessary skill for that class.
Community college also has ESL classes for those who need building up their English.
2007-11-27 4:12 pm
讀community college主要睇你以前的公開試成績。
在美國升學需要考TOEFL﹐部份community college會接受IELTS成績。

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