win fax 問題

2007-11-27 8:41 am
1) 如果win fax 同屋企電話share同一電話線有無問題呢?
2) win fax 同原本響window 已經內置既fax功能,係咪一樣呢?
3) 如果一樣,係咪唔洗download win fax 呢?

回答 (1)

2007-11-27 11:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) No, but it's recommended if you turn off the auto receive from the WinFax or the WinFax will receive the call.

2) Yes, but WinFax can have fax cover and address book and user-friendly which the one built-in windows does not. Also, WinFax can be set up as a Fax server in a domain that only 1 computer with modem can serve the whole domain to use.

3) up to you

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