英文姓氏問題, 關於寫reference 問題,

2007-11-27 8:14 am
一本英文書, 作者有 Wesley E. Woodson, Barry Tillman, Peggy Tillman.

以第一位作者為例,怎樣分別Wesly 係姓氏或是 Woodson 才是呢??

我不是想知道這個答案, 只想想知怎樣分別, 是不是根據出版的地方呢?

因為有時John, 可以係姓氏, 又可以係名. 我都唔知點分別!

我寫文referencing 個part 經常遇到的問題.

回答 (3)

2007-11-27 3:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英文名字可以有兩種寫法。 第一種你已經寫左出來﹐ 即是名字然後姓氏﹐ 同中文剛剛相反。
Wesley E. Woodson
Barry Tillman
Peggy Tillman

第2種就先寫姓氏然後加一句逗號 (逗號是關鍵因為沒有它的話不要說是你﹐ 就算是native speakers都分辨五到邊個先是姓氏邊個是名字)﹐ 然後第一個名(first name)﹐ 最後寫middle name(s). 逗號之前一定是姓氏!

(Last name﹐ First Name Middle Name)
Woodson, Wesley E.
Tillman, Barry
Tillman, Peggy

其實你只是不知道逗號的作用這回事而已, no big deal. Good luck!
參考: Eva
2007-11-27 2:30 pm
English Name: First Name(名字) Last Name (姓氏)
For example, George Michael--> George = 名字 and Michael = 姓氏
But if they put comma (,) then it will be last name goes first --> Michael, George OR Woodson, Wesley 姓氏, 名字
參考: me
2007-11-27 8:24 am
Wesley E. Woodson, Wesley should be the first name, E is the middle name initial and Woodson is the last name. This usually applies for English native speaking countries.

However, Indian name is an exception where they do not have differentiation for first and last name, e.g. one of my friends Srinivasan Babu does not have last name at all and we all call him Srini.
參考: me

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