Mark is 10 years younger than Larry. Larry's age in 8 years will exceed twice Mark's age 3 years ago by 4 years. How old is each now?
Mr. West drove his car from home to Chicago at the rate of 40 mph. and returned at a rate of 45 mph. If his time going exceeded his time returning by 30 minutes, find his time going and his time returning.
Tom, Dick, and Harry weigh 50, 85, and 120 lbs. respectively and use a 12 ft. plank for a teeterboard. Tom sits 5 ft., Dick sits 4 ft., and Harry sits 3 ft. from the fulcrum on the same side. The fulcrum is at the midpoint of the board. How far must a 200-pound friend sit from the fulcrum to balance them?
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