the reasons for the customers to use the internet services??

2007-11-27 5:20 am
the reasons for the customers to use the internet services provided by the company???
Please answer by english~=]

回答 (1)

2007-11-27 9:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. What Customers Expect

The Internet is not only becoming the resource of choice for finding information, in the next few years it is also likely to be the expected location where customers can learn about products and make purchases. This is especially the case for customers below the age of 25. In many countries, nearly all children and young adults have been raised knowing how to use the Internet. Once members of this group dominate home and business purchases they will clearly expect companies to have a strong Internet presence.

2. Customized Product and Service Offerings

Companies know they can develop loyal customers when product and service offerings are designed to satisfy individual needs. This has led many online marketers to implement a mass customization strategy offering customers online options for configuring products or services. The interactive nature of the Internet makes “build-your-own” a relatively easy to implement purchasing option. An empowered customer base that feels a company will deliver exactly what they want is primed to remain loyal for long period of time.

3. Takes Prospects Right to the Sale

No other form of communication comes close to turning exposure to promotion into immediate customer action as the Internet, which allows customers to make purchases immediately after experiencing a promotion. Prior to the Internet, the most productive call-to-action was through television informercials that encourage viewers to call toll-free phone numbers. However, moving customers from a non-active state (i.e., watching television) to an active state (i.e., picking up the phone to call the number) is not nearly as effective as getting people to click on an Internet ad while they are actively using the Internet.

4. Conveys Perception of Being a Full-Service Provider

For distributors and retailers the Internet makes it easy to be a comprehensive supplier. Unlike brick-and-mortar suppliers who are often judged by the inventory that is actually on hand or services provided at a store, e-commerce sites can give the illusion of having depth and breadth of inventory and service offerings. This can be accomplished by placing product and service information on the company’s website but behind the scenes having certain orders fulfilled by outside suppliers via shipping and service agreements. With such arrangements customers may feel they are dealing with providers that offer full-service when in reality a certain percentage of the products and service are obtained from other sources.

5. Quick Feedback on New Products

There is an additional benefit to placing new product information online by using tracking software to determine what new products your customers are most interested in. You may also choose to create a comment form or an area where the customer can request additional information. Also, try putting in a section of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) where the customers can get their own answers. From all these sources and many others you can gain information that will allow you to adapt your web marketing strategy to the ever-changing needs of good customer service.

6. Improved Customer Service

In a competitive economy it is impossible to have a sales representative available around the clock. Yet if you have developed a strong web presence that is an extension of your cur-rent business, you can use the web as a customer service kiosk. Customers will find you open whenever they need you. And more importantly, the very first premise of web-based customer service is self service. By making the full product line available, the customer has a chance to review not only the product that was the source of the initial interest but other products as well (hey, I didn't know that you made ...).
參考: These are the views from companies, you can get some ideas from them.

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